Telling your GP you are a Carer

We encourage Carers to let their GP know that they are caring for someone who depends on them. 

This is vitally important because if the GP knows about your caring responsibilities they can offer additional support to help you to maintain your physical health and emotional wellbeing, such as offering vaccinations and referring on to specialist services if you need them. 

They can also record your emergency (or contingency) plan to ensure the continued care of your loved one should you become unwell.

Download a template letter

We have a template letter you can download and complete to send to your GP to let them know you are a Carer.

Using this template letter will help the GP as it contains the codes they need to record that you are an unpaid Carer on their systems.

The letter is in Word format. You will need to edit it to include:

  • The date
  • Your name, address, contact details and NHS number (if you know it)
  • The practice name
  • The name and contact details of the person who has agreed to provide cover if you cannot provide care (ie the name of the main person mentioned on your emergency / contingency plan). Please note, you will need to get consent from this person for their details to be held by your GP.

If you have technical problems downloading or editing the file, please contact our digital skills project co-ordinator, Nada –