A message from our CEO Tracy Weight and the Board of Trustees

Following a recent recommissioning of Carers services by the Local Authority, Carers Support Merton was unfortunately unsuccessful in securing the contract to continue to deliver Carers Services in Merton after 1st April 2024.

Therefore, Carers services have transferred to Carers First, as of 1st April 2024.

You can contact Carers First on:

Telephone: 0300 303 1555

Email: hello@carersfirst.org.uk

Website: www.carersfirst.org.uk

Carers Support Merton

Although Carers Support Merton remains solvent, it has lost a significant proportion of its income, and the trustees have decided that it will no longer be viable for the organisation to continue.  Therefore, a resolution to wind up the charity was passed at a special general meeting which took place on 21st March 2024.  The trustees and the CEO will proceed to close the charity in a tidy and orderly manner.  If there are any queries relating to the organisation they can be directed to info@csmerton.org

Carers service in Merton

We would like to reassure Carers that services will continue to be delivered in Merton by Carers First, and this change does not mean any loss of services. 

Most of our staff have transferred to the new organisation and so you will see many familiar faces.  Carers First do not intend to use our office space at The Vestry Hall, but they will be running activities from The Vestry Hall, as well as from a range of other community venues in the borough.

We are no longer accepting referrals.  Details of how to refer to or register with Carers First can be found here:  https://www.carersfirst.org.uk/get-support/#Referral

We have transferred all of our records of Carers who have had contact with us in the last 3 years.  This will enable our staff to continue working with Carers and the professionals who support them without you having to give any information again. 

If you are a Carer and haven’t had contact with us in the last three years, but wish to continue to remain registered with the borough’s Carers service you will need to register with Carers First.

It has been a pleasure to provide services to Carers in Merton and we wish Carers in Merton all the very best.