Young Carers FAQs (frequently asked questions)

Please note – Services for Young Carers in Merton are now provided by Carers First

Am I a Young Carer?

We define a Young Carer as anyone aged between 5-17 that is significantly impacted by the diagnosed health condition, disability or substance misuse of a close relative. This means someone they live with or see on a daily basis.

What rights do I have as a Young Carer?

As a Young Carer or a young adult carer you have a right to be supported and to get the help you need. You have these rights whether you look after someone every day or from time to time, or if you do a lot of or a little caring.

What is a Young Carers Assessment?

What can I do if I know someone who is a Young Carer and would benefit from your services?

We accept referrals from professionals – such as social workers, GPs, teachers and Family Support Workers, but also from family members and Carers themselves. However, please note that for all Young Carers under the age of 18, we will need parental consent.

Does my parent need to know if I’m meeting with you?

Yes, we require parental consent for Young Carers to participate in any activities and support.

Do all young people involved with the Young Carers’ Service get the same support?

The support you receive will depend on your situation and any needs highlighted during your assessment.

Will I be able to go on trips and days out with the Young Carers Service?

We will talk to you about your interests and let you know about any activities you might enjoy.

I don’t understand the jargon professionals use

If you ever feel confused by the terms health and social care professionals use, you should stop them and ask. They use these terms all the time and it is like second nature to them – they might not realise that you do not understand what they are talking about unless you tell them.

Well Child has produced a guide to some of the terms used by health and social care professionals.