Carers Support Merton Adult Carers Community

Carers Support Merton runs a closed group for Carers on Facebook, where you can meet other Carers and ask questions.
Events in Merton

Merton Council runs events and activities across the borough. The Council maintains an events calendar on their website.
Merton Uplift
Merton Uplift run courses to cater for general wellbeing, support recovery or specific difficulties such as anxiety and low mood.
Wimbledon Guild
Wimbledon Guild host a variety of activities and groups.
Merton Mencap
Merton Mencap provide services for parents and Carers of those with learning disabilities including Autism. They hold events, workshops and support groups including a monthly Carers group which gives Carers an opportunity to develop friendships on a community outing or a stroll.
Merton Age UK
Age UK offer a range of events, advice and practical services for people who are 50+ and living in Merton to continue to enjoy later life and receive the help needed to remain independent in their own homes.
Alzheimer’s Society
Merton Dementia Hub offers a great deal of support of those living with dementia and their Carers. They provide a wide range of activity and support groups.
Recovery College
The Recovery College encourages people to become experts in their own self-care and wellbeing, giving students the tools they need to manage their conditions and for families, friends and Carers to better understand mental health conditions and support people in their recovery journey.
Their courses are available to people who use their services (and for up to 12 months after discharge), their friends, family and Carers.
Wilson Wellbeing
Wilson Wellbeing in partnership with Jigsaw4u has a schedule of drop-in activities available at the Wilson Hospital, Cranmer Road, Mitcham, including coffee mornings, arts and gardening clubs, and mental health support and signposting for East Merton residents.
Ethnic Minority Centre (EMC)
Ethnic Minority Centre (EMC) supports and promotes health and well-being services, bringing communities together in the London Borough of Merton. EMC provide specific advice and information such as health and unemployment. They hold a range of activities including Pilates, Zumba and IT sessions.
Polka Theatre
The Polka Theatre runs a number of activities, classes and summer schools for children and families, some of which are free.

Re-engage is a charity which supports
the over 75s. They want to reduce loneliness and isolation by holding tea parties and socialising activities.