14th March 2023 - Support Group for Carers of people with Complex emotional needs and Personality disorders


March 14, 2023    
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Bookings closed

Do you have a close relative or friend who has complex emotional and behavioural needs, or a diagnosis of Personality Disorder?

If so, you may have had some difficult and challenging situations to face, and feel very concerned about your situation, as well as the (sometimes extreme) problems faced by your loved one.  And if you are the parent of the person with support needs, you may also be concerned about younger siblings or grandchildren in the family.


In 2015 Carers Support Merton, together with Sutton Carers Centre, began our cross-borough Complex Needs Support (CNS) Group.  This has proved to be very successful with carers coming together to share their experiences, and difficulties, around caring for someone with complex needs/personality disorders.

We meet approximately every six weeks on Zoom. We have a model that allows everyone some space to talk, and extra time for the group to support anyone who is caught up in a crisis.  We also aim for every meeting to have a constructive, positive and educational element, with speakers or a focus on understanding complex needs and learning about modern treatments. We maintain links with the clinical team from the Complex Needs Service at Springfield Hospital and other professionals who can offer support to carers, as well as people with lived experience who can talk about living with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder.

If you feel the person you are caring for may have a personality disorder or complex needs do please come along and join us.

If you would like further information contact Marcella Meloni,  Carers Needs Assessor (Mental Health) at Carers Support Merton on 020 8646 7515 or marcella@csmerton.org


Bookings are closed for this event.