Who is a Carer?

An unpaid Carer is someone who looks after a friend, family member or neighbour, who due to disability, mental or physical ill health, or an addiction, could not cope without their support.

Carers do a wide range of tasks, which might include:

  • practical tasks, such as cooking meals, housework and shopping
  • physical care, such as helping someone out of bed
  • personal care, such as helping someone wash, un/dress and feed
  • emotional support
  • dealing with challenging behaviour
  • organising medication
  • managing finances
  • helping someone to communicate or translating on their behalf
  • organising appointments
  • supervising younger children/siblings and taking them to school

Caring for someone has many rewarding aspects, and Carers often develop many useful skills through their caring role.  However, caring for someone else can also take its toll on your physical and mental health, social life, career and relationships.

Not everyone thinks of themselves as a Carer.  You may think you are just doing your bit to help.  However, recognising that you are a Carer is important in getting the practical, emotional and financial support you need. If you want to carry on working, you may also need support in the workplace. It is vital to look after yourself and to meet your own needs to enable you to continue to provide care and support to the person you’re caring for.