Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Carers services in Merton are now provided by Carers First

Here are some questions that Adult Carers ask us …

Am I a Carer?

An unpaid Carer is someone, adult or child who looks after a friend, family member or neighbour, who due to disability, mental or physical ill health, or an addiction, could not cope without their support.

Do I have to live with the person to be their unpaid carer?

You do not have to live in the same house or even the same town as the person you care for. Much care can even be provided remotely for example by making phone calls on behalf of the person you care for or do shopping online for them.

Who should I tell my GP that I am an unpaid carer?

If your GP knows you are a Carer, they can offer you additional support to help you maintain your physical health and emotional wellbeing, such as checking you are up to date with your vaccinations and referring you on to specialist services if you need them.
Carers Support Merton has a free template letter you can use to tell the GP you are a Carer.
There are other people you might need to inform, if you are managing someone else’s affairs.

What is a Carers’ Assessment? 

Anybody over 18 who looks after another adult, who is disabled, long-term sick, elderly or suffers with addiction has the legal right to a Carers’ Assessment. This assessment is an opportunity for you to explain how caring affects your life and to explore what information, advice, benefits and services could make your life as a carer easier. It is not an assessment of your ability to care or your finances.

What are all the other assessments?

What support can I get as an unpaid carer?

You may be eligible for practical, financial and emotional support to help manage your care duties and daily life. This could include additional services for the person you care for if they are eligible.  What is offered will depend on your individual needs.

What is an emergency plan and do I need one?

An emergency plan is a plan you set out for the care of an adult or a child in case you are unable to fulfil your caring role. It sets out the practical arrangements for short-term, unplanned periods.

Having a plan in place can stop an emergency becoming a crisis. Emergency planning is important to all carers. It gives everyone involved peace of mind that help will be available at all times. 

Can I claim Carers Allowance?

There are several conditions that you need to meet to claim Carer’s Allowance including that the person you care for must be in receipt a disability benefit and you must provide a minimum of 35 hours of care per week.